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Arcad Chemicals GmbH - Home - Welcome to
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Welcome to Arcad Chemicals GmbH Polybon Polyutheran Polysomething Thank you for your interest in Arcad Chemicals GmbH and in our release agents Arcadsil® and Defom®. As a speci
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Arcadsil, defom, arcad chemicals, smart silicones, Release Agents, Modling, Forming, Casting, Curing, Mold Release Agents, Mold Geometry, Molding Processes, Trennmittel, Formentrennmittel, Gleitmittel, ISF, integral skin foam, Korrosionsschutzmittel, Metallbearbeitungsmittel, Kühlschmiermittel, Reiniger, Beschichtung, Kunststoff, Giesserei, Glasindustrie, Holzindustrie, Polyurethan, High-Solid, Silicon, Integralschaum, Hartschaum, Formen, mold release agent, sliding agent, anti-corrosive agent, metalworking agent, cooling lubricant, cleaner, coating, plastic, foundry, polyurethane, high-solid, silicone, Integral foam, rigid foam, moulds, Klebstoff, Finish, Farben, Lacke, Trennmittel, Schuhchemikalien, Schuhpflegemittel, AGENTE DE DESMOLDEANTE, FINISH, PRODUITS DE FINISSAGE, FINISH, PEINTURES et VERNIS, COLOURS, PAINTS & LACQUERS, PINTURAS y BARNIZ, PUR FARBPASTEN, COLOUR PASTES PATES COLORANTES, PASTAS de PIGMENTOS, ADHESIVES, KLEBSTOFFE, COLLES, ADHESIVOS, semi permanent, Semi-Permanent Release Agents, rotomolding, roto-molding, Tire Release Agent, Polyurethane Release Agent, Composite Release Agent, Mold Release Agent, Mold, Composite, Release Products, tire Release Products, Molding,scarpa, poliuretano, polietere, poliestere, suolatura diretta, suole in gomma