
Uptime & Server Information
Historical uptime rate: 100% based on 1 data points
Current Status
Server Type
Page Title
Home - PT Fajar Mas Murni
Meta Description
Fajar Mas Murni
Meta Keywords
fmm, fajar mas murni, compressed air system, oil and gas, petrochemical chemical, coal fired geothermal power plant, stone quarry, cement quarry, constructions, tools materials, inspection ndt, basic laboratory, nanoscience research, pathology anatomy cytology, cell laboratory, sistem udara tekan, minyak dan gas, kimia petrokimia, pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi berbahan bakar batubara, tambang batu, tambang semen, konstruksi, bahan alat, inspeksi ndt, laboratorium dasar, penelitian nanosains, sitologi anatomi patologi, laboratorium sel
Most Recent Data
7 hours, 34 minutes ago
Historical Data
Date Status Server
2025-01-17 16:49:26 Active Apache

About Website Uptime Monitoring

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  • Website availability and response status
  • Server software and configuration
  • Meta information including titles and descriptions
  • Historical uptime patterns

This information is valuable for website owners, system administrators, and anyone interested in monitoring website reliability and performance.

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