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IHR Magazine | Integrated Health Resources Magazine
Meta Description
The independent and reliable source for Natural Health professionals, Health Food Retailers for competitive intelligence, news, and information to make the best health business decisions. IHR Magazine is keeping Health food store owners, grocery chains and pharmacists informed on all aspects of the Health Business side of the industry. Scientific reports, regulatory affairs, business news, new health products and trends from around the world. Content on new technologies used in product manufacturing, and new product marketing strategies use to educate consumers to build trust in loyalty with their health retailers. IHR Magazine has been in the Jewellery business since 2000. It takes an unrelenting effort to keep a brand or service fresh and relevant to health retail buyers, distributors, and manufacturers who have been reading IHR Magazine generation after generation. Our investment in the industry has helped create the recognition, credibility and trust which defines IHR Magazine to boost sales, introduce new products and maintain your market shares. As a result of this, IHR Magazine is in every retailer's DNA. Simply put, there is no substitute for IHR Magazine.