Uptime & Server Information
Historical uptime rate: 100% based on 2 data points
Current Status
Server Type
Page Title
Vegasoft home page
Meta Description
Access DB2 and ODBC from CA-IDMS. Access CA-IDMS from Windows. Use TCP/IP and MQSeries in CA-IDMS.
Meta Keywords
Vegasoft, Vega, Vega90, Tools for CA-IDMS, TACT, CA, Cogito, LYNC, Gedas, IDMS, DB2, Access, MQSeries, MQ Series, web, web-enable, TCP/IP, ADS, ASD/O, ADS-Online, Java, ODBC, JDBC, CA-IDMS/DC/UCF, Internet, Mainframe, PC, Unix, Linux, zOS, OS/390, DC-COBOL, 3GL, CICS, VG-ADS Precompiler DB2 Option, VG-ADS Precompiler ODBC Option, VG-Application Server, VG-Batch Client, VG-CICS Server, VG-COBOL Precompiler, VG-IDMS Client, VG-IDMS/DB2 Server, VG-IDMS Gateway MQSeries Option, VG-IDMS Gateway TCP/IP Option, VG-IDMS/Web Server, VG-ODBC Server, VG-Windows Client, VEGA ODBC Driver, VG-Java Client, VEGA JDBC Driver, BATCH, Windows 9x/2K/2000/XP/NT, client, server, SP7.0.3 zOS V1R3, SP7.0.2 zOS V1R2, SP7.0.1 zOS V1R1, SP6.1.0 OS/390 V2R10, SP6.0.9 OS/390 V2R9, SP6.0.8 OS/390 V2R8, SP6.0.7 OS/390 V2R7 SP6.0.6 OS/390 V2R6, SP6.0.5 OS/390 V2R5, SP6.0.4 OS/390 V2R4, SP6.0.3 OS/390 V1R3, SP6.0.2 OS/390 V1R2, SP5.3.0 OS/390 V1R1, SP5.2.2 MVS/SP, APPC, LU6.2, CAF, SVC, IBM NCP, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase Server, TCPAccess, VTAM, MVS, Cobol, MQSC
Most Recent Data
17 hours, 28 minutes ago
Historical Data
Date Status Server
2025-01-23 14:53:33 Active Apache
2025-01-17 08:53:39 Active Apache

About Website Uptime Monitoring

Use the uptime information to track the availability and server information of websites. This helps track:

  • Website availability and response status
  • Server software and configuration
  • Meta information including titles and descriptions
  • Historical uptime patterns

This information is valuable for website owners, system administrators, and anyone interested in monitoring website reliability and performance.

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